
Суббота, 3 июля

14.30 Во все тяжкие. Произнеси моё имя. 5 сезон. 7 серия 18+

Mike and Jesse are out. Now Walt has to handle things on his own. Hank finally finds a rat in Mike's gang.

15.25 Военные потери. 1 серия 16+

During the Vietnam War, a soldier finds himself the outsider of his own squad when they unnecessarily kidnap a female villager.

17.15 Голливуд за кадром. Эпизод 94. 2 сезон. 94 серия 16+


17.45 Мыслить как преступник. Северный олень. 2 сезон. 7 серия 16+

Three soccer stars are abducted and the unsub plays games while the B.A.U. desperately tries to narrow down the suspects.

18.30 Мыслить как преступник. Пустая планета. 2 сезон. 8 серия 16+

When a bomber targets Seattle, the BAU has to determine if it's a protest group or an individual with a much different agenda.

19.15 Картер. Свинья, человек, лев. 1 сезон. 5 серия 16+

A young unstable actress is manipulated by an older more experienced theatre director who takes advantage of her fragile mental state. When Harley is kidnapped by the young woman, she forces him to tell the world her story.

20.00 Голливуд за кадром. Эпизод 95. 2 сезон. 95 серия 16+


20.25 Картер. Коджи-убийца. 1 сезон. 1 серия 16+

TV-star Harley Carter returns to his hometown of Bishop, Ontario to discover that his housekeeper of 30 years has been accused of murder and his best friend is in charge of the case.

21.10 Картер. Астронавт и Король Лев. 1 сезон. 2 серия 16+

An emotionally disturbed man approaches his favorite tv detective to prove that he didn’t kill his mother. Harley and Sam re-open a cold case expecting a dead end but find a whole new angle to the crime.

21.55 Картер. Батрак, купивший ферму. 1 сезон. 3 серия 16+

A routine accident on Harley’s first official day on the job as consulting detective turns into a homicide investigation. When bikers and an exploded meth lab come into play, Harley learns that being a cop is much harder than playing one on tv.

22.40 Гость на свадьбе. 1 серия 16+

A story centered on a mysterious British Muslim man (Dev Patel) on his journey across Pakistan and India.

0.15 Робокоп 3. 1 серия 16+

Robocop saves the day once more. This time the half man/half robot takes on ruthless developers who want to evict some people on "their" land.

2.05 Топ гир. Эпизод 3. 17 сезон. 3 серия 16+

Jeremy and Richard look at some amazing second hand bargains you can buy for the price of Britain's cheapest brand new car, the $9,900 Nissan Pixo. Meanwhile, James tests the toughness of the new Range Rover Evoque by driving it through Death Valley and then gauges its stylishness by using it to chauffeur a global megastar across Las Vegas.

3.05 Топ гир. Эпизод 4. 17 сезон. 4 серия 16+

The guys attempt to make train travel cheaper, faster and more interesting by replacing the conventional carriages and locomotive with a series of caravans attached to a specially modified car. It's either the world's most ingenious idea or the prelude to the world's biggest accident. Jeremy is also out on the track comparing the rip-snorting Jaguar XKR-S to the recently updated Nissan GT-R.

4.05 Топ гир. Эпизод 5. 17 сезон. 5 серия 16+

The guys are challenged to knock down a row of derelict houses in less time than it takes a team of demolition experts to do the same job. Meanwhile, Jeremy tests an updated version of the classic Jensen Interceptor and finds himself transported back to a 1970s world of leather driving gloves and droopy moustaches. The incredible Lotus T125 also brings some F1-style performance to the track

5.05 Гость на свадьбе. 1 серия 16+

A story centered on a mysterious British Muslim man (Dev Patel) on his journey across Pakistan and India.

6.40 Тайное окно. 1 серия 16+

A writer is accused of plagiarism by a strange man, who then starts haunting him for "justice."

8.15 Новичок. Охота на людей. 1 сезон. 15 серия 16+

The series follows John Nolan, a forty-year-old man, who moves from his comfortable, small town life to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. He must navigate the dangerous, humorous and unpredictable world of a "young" cop, determined to make his second shot at life count.

9.00 Новичок. Зеленый свет. 1 сезон. 16 серия 16+

The series follows John Nolan, a forty-year-old man, who moves from his comfortable, small town life to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. He must navigate the dangerous, humorous and unpredictable world of a "young" cop, determined to make his second shot at life count.

9.45 Новичок. Встряска. 1 сезон. 17 серия 16+

The series follows John Nolan, a forty-year-old man, who moves from his comfortable, small town life to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. He must navigate the dangerous, humorous and unpredictable world of a "young" cop, determined to make his second shot at life count.

10.30 Новичок. Фасад. 1 сезон. 18 серия 16+

The series follows John Nolan, a forty-year-old man, who moves from his comfortable, small town life to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. He must navigate the dangerous, humorous and unpredictable world of a "young" cop, determined to make his second shot at life count.

11.15 Новичок. Чеклист. 1 сезон. 19 серия 16+

The series follows John Nolan, a forty-year-old man, who moves from his comfortable, small town life to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. He must navigate the dangerous, humorous and unpredictable world of a "young" cop, determined to make his second shot at life count.

12.00 Три икса. 1 серия 16+

An extreme sports athlete, Xander Cage, is recruited by the government on a special mission.

Регион вещания
Россия, СНГ, Европа
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«Sony Turbo» – уникальный захватывающий динамичный мужской телеканал, в программной сетке которого представлены всемирно популярные телевизионные драмы, а также хиты бокс-офиса. Целевая аудитория телеканала – мужчины в возрасте от 20 до 49 лет, предпочитающие интеллектуальный юмор и развлечения «с характером»: криминальные и комедийные сериалы, художественные фильмы на любой вкус, документальные проекты и реалити-шоу для настоящих мужчин. «Sony Turbo» отвечает потребностям современного мужчины. «Turbo» – это активность, мощь, маскулинность. Это всегда интригующие, всегда свежие, всегда лучшие сериалы, фильмы и программы для энергичных, веселых, умных и не боящихся мечтать мужчин. «Sony Turbo» – это остросюжетные детективы с элементами триллера, драмы, экшн, сложные расследования, непредсказуемые истории, герои с характером, готовые переступить черту, рискнуть, чтобы выиграть, обладающие неповторимым чувством юмора. Главное – это риск, азарт, интеллект, драйв. «Sony Turbo» – это мир, где уровень адреналина зашкаливает, а события развиваются непредсказуемо. На канале идут такие знаменитые сериалы, как «Изгои», «Викинги», «Черный список», «Острые козырьки», «Шерлок», «Элементарно» и многие другие.