CNN International
Понедельник, 27 января
15.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
16.00 World Sport
16.30 Quest's World of Wonder, Marrakech, 65 с.
17.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
20.00 Connecting Africa, The Business of African Fashion, 150 с.
20.30 Inside Africa, Senegalese Cuisine, 690 с.
21.00 African Voices Changemakers, Episode 200, 200 с.
21.30 Marketplace Africa, Episode 583, 583 с.
21.45 Marketplace Europe, Winning in Tech, 41 с.
22.00 By Night, Turkey, 201 с.
22.30 Inside Africa, Tanzania's Honey Harvest, 691 с.
23.00 CNN Newsroom
23.45 World Sport
0.00 CNN Newsroom
1.00 CNN Newsroom
1.45 World Sport
2.00 CNN Newsroom
3.00 CNN Newsroom
4.00 CNN This Morning
5.00 CNN This Morning
6.00 CNN News Central
6.30 World Sport
7.00 CNN Newsroom
8.00 Connect the World
8.45 World Sport
9.00 Connect the World
10.00 CNN Newsroom
11.00 One World
12.00 Amanpour
13.00 Isa Soares Tonight
14.00 CNN Newsroom