CNN International
Понедельник, 2 декабря
16.00 CNN Newsroom
17.00 World Sport
17.30 Africa Avant Garde
18.00 CNN Newsroom
21.00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
22.00 African Voices Changemakers. Прямая трансляция, Episode 196, 196 с.
22.30 Africa Avant Garde, Episode 602, 602 с.
23.00 Tech for Good, Episode 4, 4 с.
23.30 Inside Africa, Episode 687, 687 с.
0.00 CNN Newsroom
0.45 World Sport
1.00 CNN Newsroom
2.00 CNN Newsroom
2.45 World Sport
3.00 CNN Newsroom
4.00 CNN Newsroom
5.00 CNN This Morning
6.00 CNN This Morning
7.00 CNN News Central
7.30 World Sport
8.00 CNN Newsroom
9.00 Connect the World
9.45 World Sport
10.00 Connect the World
11.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция
12.00 One World
13.00 Amanpour
14.00 Isa Soares Tonight
15.00 CNN Newsroom