CNN International
Воскресенье, 26 января
16.00 CNN Newsroom
17.00 World Sport
17.30 Inside Africa, Tanzania's Honey Harvest, 691 с.
18.00 CNN Newsroom
19.00 CNN Newsroom
20.00 Smerconish
21.00 World Sport
21.30 Inside Africa, Senegalese Cuisine, 690 с.
22.00 Inside Africa, Tanzania's Honey Harvest, 691 с.
22.30 African Voices Changemakers, Episode 200, 200 с.
23.00 Living Golf, Australia's Melbourne Sandbelt, 253 с.
23.30 Marketplace Africa, Episode 583, 583 с.
23.45 Marketplace Europe, Winning in Tech, 41 с.
0.00 CNN Newsroom
0.30 TBD Programming to be determined
1.00 CNN Newsroom
1.30 Inside Africa, Tanzania's Honey Harvest, 691 с.
2.00 CNN Newsroom
2.30 Marketplace Africa, Episode 583, 583 с.
2.45 Marketplace Europe, Winning in Tech, 41 с.
3.00 CNN Newsroom
4.00 CNN Newsroom
5.00 CNN Newsroom
6.00 Special Programming to be determined
6.30 Inside Africa, Tanzania's Honey Harvest, 691 с.
7.00 CNN This Morning Weekend
8.00 Inside Politics With Manu Raju
9.00 State of the Union
10.00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
11.00 The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper, Elephant vs. Man, 10 с.
12.00 World Sport
12.30 Inside Africa, Tanzania's Honey Harvest, 691 с.
13.00 African Voices Changemakers, Episode 200, 200 с.
13.30 Marketplace Africa, Episode 583, 583 с.
13.45 Marketplace Europe, Winning in Tech, 41 с.
14.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
15.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday