CNN International
Понедельник, 19 февраля
15.00 CNN Newsroom
16.00 World Sport
16.30 Living Golf, Episode 243, 243 с.
17.00 CNN Newsroom
20.00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
21.00 African Voices Changemakers, Episode 178, 178 с.
21.30 Marketplace Europe, Episode 31, 31 с.
21.45 Marketplace Asia, Episode 32, 32 с.
22.00 On...: On...Oman, Episode 2024, 2024 с.
22.30 Inside Africa, Episode 667, 667 с.
23.00 CNN Newsroom, With Michael Holmes
23.45 World Sport
0.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Michael Holmes
1.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Anna Coren
1.45 World Sport
2.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Anna Coren
3.00 CNN Newsroom, With Max Foster
4.00 Early Start
5.00 CNN This Morning
7.00 CNN Newsroom, With Max Foster
7.30 World Sport
8.00 Connect the World
8.45 World Sport
9.00 Connect the World
10.00 State of the Race, Episode 1, 1 с.
11.00 One World with Zain Asher
12.00 Amanpour
13.00 Isa Soares Tonight
14.00 Quest Means Business
14.45 Living Golf, Episode 243, 243 с.