CNN International
Воскресенье, 10 сентября
16.00 World Sport
16.30 Inside Africa, Episode 655, 655 с.
17.00 CNN Newsroom
18.00 CNN Newsroom
19.00 Artificial Intelligence: The Coming Revolution
20.00 World Sport
20.30 Connecting Africa, Banking, Digitization and Coffee, 134 с.
21.00 Inside Africa, Episode 655, 655 с.
21.30 African Voices, Episode 169, 169 с.
22.00 The Next Frontier, How We'll Play, 6 с.
22.30 Marketplace Asia, Episode 27, 27 с.
22.45 Marketplace Middle East, Episode 22, 22 с.
23.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Michael Holmes
23.30 TBD Programming to be determined
0.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Michael Holmes
0.30 Inside Africa, Episode 655, 655 с.
1.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Paula Newton
1.30 Marketplace Asia, Episode 27, 27 с.
1.45 Marketplace Middle East, Episode 22, 22 с.
2.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Paula Newton
3.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Kim Brunhuber
5.00 Marketplace Asia, Episode 27, 27 с.
5.15 Marketplace Middle East, Episode 22, 22 с.
5.30 Inside Africa, Episode 655, 655 с.
6.00 CNN This Morning Weekend
7.00 CNN This Morning Weekend
8.00 State of the Union
9.00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
10.00 Inside Politics
11.00 World Sport
11.30 Inside Africa, Episode 655, 655 с.
12.00 African Voices, Episode 169, 169 с.
12.30 Connecting Africa, Banking, Digitization and Coffee, 134 с.
13.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
14.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
15.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday