CNN International
Воскресенье, 23 июля
17.00 World Sport
17.30 Inside Africa, Episode 652, 652 с.
18.00 CNN Newsroom
19.00 CNN Newsroom
20.00 Who's Talking to Chris Wallace?
21.00 World Sport
21.30 Global Connections
22.00 Inside Africa, Episode 652, 652 с.
22.30 African Voices, Episode 166, 166 с.
23.00 Marketplace Africa, Episode 565, 565 с.
23.15 Marketplace Europe
23.30 Global Connections
0.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Michael Holmes
0.30 Living Golf, Episode 236, 236 с.
1.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Michael Holmes
1.30 Inside Africa, Episode 652, 652 с.
2.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция
2.30 Marketplace Africa, Episode 565, 565 с.
2.45 Marketplace Europe
3.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция
4.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Kim Brunhuber
6.00 Global Connections
6.30 Inside Africa, Episode 652, 652 с.
7.00 CNN This Morning Weekend
8.00 CNN This Morning Weekend
9.00 State of the Union
10.00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
11.00 Inside Politics
12.00 World Sport
12.30 Inside Africa, Episode 652, 652 с.
13.00 Marketplace Africa, Episode 565, 565 с.
13.15 Marketplace Europe
13.30 African Voices, Episode 166, 166 с.
14.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
15.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
16.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday