CNN International
Понедельник, 3 июля
14.00 World Sport
14.30 Connecting Africa, Episode 132, 132 с.
15.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
16.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday
19.00 African Voices, Episode 165, 165 с.
19.30 Marketplace Middle East, The Industry of Outer Space; Luxury Real Estate, 20 с.
19.45 Marketplace Africa, Episode 564, 564 с.
20.00 Living Golf, Episode 235, 235 с.
20.30 Inside Africa, Episode 650, 650 с.
21.00 CNN Newsroom, With Michael Holmes
21.45 World Sport
22.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Michael Holmes
23.00 CNN Newsroom. Прямая трансляция, With Rosemary Church
23.45 World Sport
0.00 CNN Newsroom, With Rosemary Church
1.00 CNN Newsroom, With Max Foster
2.00 Early Start
3.00 This Morning
5.00 CNN Newsroom, With Max Foster
5.30 World Sport
6.00 First Move with Julia Chatterley
7.00 Connect the World
7.45 World Sport
8.00 Connect the World
9.00 One World with Zain Asher
10.00 Amanpour
11.00 Isa Soares Tonight
12.00 Quest Means Business
12.45 Connecting Africa, Technology and Trade, 132 с.
13.00 The Lead with Jake Tapper