CNN International
Воскресенье, 7 августа
17.00 World Sport
17.30 Inside Africa. Uganda Fintech
18.00 CNN Newsroom Saturday. Saturday, August 6, 2022 6PM
19.00 CNN Newsroom Saturday. Saturday, August 6, 2022 7PM
20.00 CNN Newsroom Saturday. Saturday, August 6, 2022 8PM
21.00 World Sport. Saturday, August 6, 2022 9PM
21.30 Culinary Journeys. Natsuko Shoji - Japan
22.00 Inside Africa. Uganda Fintech
22.30 African Voices Changemakers
23.00 Connecting Africa. Infrastructure
23.30 Marketplace Europe. Telecoms Transformation
23.45 Marketplace Africa. Young Airlines; Sun International
0.00 CNN Newsroom with Michael Holmes
0.30 Culinary Journeys. Natsuko Shoji - Japan
1.00 CNN Newsroom with Michael Holmes
1.30 African Voices Changemakers
2.00 CNN Newsroom with Michael Holmes
2.45 Marketplace Africa. Young Airlines; Sun International
3.00 CNN Newsroom with Lynda Kinkade
3.30 Inside Africa. Uganda Fintech
4.00 CNN Newsroom with Lynda Kinkade
6.00 Connecting Africa. Infrastructure
6.30 African Voices Changemakers
7.00 New Day Sunday. Sunday, August 7, 2022 7AM
8.00 Inside Politics
9.00 State of the Union with Jake Tapper
10.00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
11.00 Reliable Sources
12.00 World Sport
12.30 Inside Africa. Uganda Fintech
13.00 Culinary Journeys. Natsuko Shoji - Japan
13.30 African Voices Changemakers
14.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday. Sunday, August 7, 2022 2PM
15.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday. Sunday, August 7, 2022 3PM
16.00 CNN Newsroom Sunday. Sunday, August 7, 2022 4PM