
Среда, 28 июля

17.25 Спартак: Возмездие. Пустые руки. 2 сезон. 4 серия 18+

Very few rebels escape the rescue mission from the Mines alive. Spartacus will suffer to leave no one behind even if it means the death of them all. The Romans led by Glaber's Tribune Marcus are in hot pursuit, assisted by Ashur. The captured Crixus and two others are reunited with Oenomaus at the villa, where treachery abounds.

18.20 Папа-досвидос. 1 серия 18+

While in his teens, Donny fathered a son, Todd, and raised him as a single parent until Todd's 18th birthday. Now Donny resurfaces just before Todd's wedding after years apart, sending the groom-to-be's world crashing down.

20.10 Голливуд за кадром. Эпизод 6. 2 сезон. 6 серия 16+


20.35 Мыслить как преступник. Переезд. 3 сезон. 18 серия 16+

As a favor to the D.A. in Boston, Hotchner and Rossi profile a woman who murdered her husband, though the D.A. may not like their findings. Back at the office, J.J.'s personalization of a stalker case baffles the rest of the team.

21.20 Мыслить как преступник. Чистый лист. 3 сезон. 19 серия 16+

A suspected serial killer who's been in a coma since 2004 due to an accident when he was arrested wakes up 4 years later, with no memory of his past, not even his name. While he is tried in court, in which Hotch is testifying against him, the rest of the team investigates his past further.

22.05 Адский спецназ. Ямам. 1 сезон. 2 серия 16+

Civilian recruits compete to win a gruelling selection process designed by veterans from six international special forces units.

23.00 Адский спецназ. Филиппинский десант. 1 сезон. 3 серия 16+

Civilian recruits compete to win a gruelling selection process designed by veterans from six international special forces units.

23.55 Мыслить как преступник. Переезд. 3 сезон. 18 серия 16+

As a favor to the D.A. in Boston, Hotchner and Rossi profile a woman who murdered her husband, though the D.A. may not like their findings. Back at the office, J.J.'s personalization of a stalker case baffles the rest of the team.

0.40 Мыслить как преступник. Чистый лист. 3 сезон. 19 серия 16+

A suspected serial killer who's been in a coma since 2004 due to an accident when he was arrested wakes up 4 years later, with no memory of his past, not even his name. While he is tried in court, in which Hotch is testifying against him, the rest of the team investigates his past further.

1.30 Правосудие. Ремонтник. 1 сезон. 3 серия 16+

Raylan comes to the aid of a bookie informant, who has been kidnapped by one of his collectors and one of his delinquent clients.

2.20 Правосудие. Острые зубы. 1 сезон. 4 серия 16+

Raylan and the mob compete to capture a fugitive, Roland Pike, racing to the Mexican border.

3.10 Оружейный барон. 1 серия 16+

An arms dealer confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased by an Interpol Agent.

5.10 Национальная безопасность. 1 серия 16+

Two mismatched security guards are thrown together to bust a smuggling operation.

6.40 Мыслить как преступник. Переезд. 3 сезон. 18 серия 16+

As a favor to the D.A. in Boston, Hotchner and Rossi profile a woman who murdered her husband, though the D.A. may not like their findings. Back at the office, J.J.'s personalization of a stalker case baffles the rest of the team.

7.25 Мыслить как преступник. Чистый лист. 3 сезон. 19 серия 16+

A suspected serial killer who's been in a coma since 2004 due to an accident when he was arrested wakes up 4 years later, with no memory of his past, not even his name. While he is tried in court, in which Hotch is testifying against him, the rest of the team investigates his past further.

8.10 Топ гир. Эпизод 1. 21 сезон. 1 серия 16+

Jermy, James and Richard set out to prove that the old 'classic' hatchbacks of their time are better than the modern equivalents through a series of challenges while Hugh Bonneville stars in the reasonably priced car.

9.10 Правосудие. Ремонтник. 1 сезон. 3 серия 16+

Raylan comes to the aid of a bookie informant, who has been kidnapped by one of his collectors and one of his delinquent clients.

10.00 Правосудие. Острые зубы. 1 сезон. 4 серия 16+

Raylan and the mob compete to capture a fugitive, Roland Pike, racing to the Mexican border.

10.50 Мыслить как преступник. Помехи. 3 сезон. 20 серия 16+

People who apparently have nothing in common are being shot randomly in New York City and the team must determine whether it is the work of a single shooter or a team.

11.35 Мыслить как преступник. Хаос. 4 сезон. 1 серия 16+

As the city is on high alert, the team begins to believe that they have made a mistake with the profile and that everything the terrorists have done so far may in fact just have been diversion for something even bigger.

12.20 Топ гир. Эпизод 2. 21 сезон. 2 серия 16+

Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson race an Alfa Romeo against a quad bike in northern Italy, James May visits Camp Bastion the British main military base in Afghanistan, Jeremy test the new McLaren P1 and Hollywood Star Tom Hiddleston is the star in the Reasonably Priced Car.

13.20 Правосудие. Царь войны и грома. 1 сезон. 5 серия 16+

Raylan's surveillance job on a fugitive is interrupted when he is forced to deal with his troubled father, who is causing mischief for a drug dealer who is renting from him.

14.10 Правосудие. Коллекция. 1 сезон. 6 серия 16+

Raylan turns to an art collector to help bring a criminal to justice, but the case soon turns to a murder investigation. Meanwhile, Raylan's ex-wife turns to him for help, and he turns to Boyd Crowder to gather dirt on his father.

15.00 Пиксели. 1 серия 16+

When aliens misinterpret video feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war, they attack the Earth in the form of the video games.

16.45 Спартак: Возмездие. Вольный. 2 сезон. 5 серия 18+

A plan is hatched and brothers are reunited upon the sands in this episode. While searching a temple with a view to spend the night, Spartacus encounters Lucius, a Roman disillusioned with Rome because of the civil war Sulla waged years before. Lucius gives shelter and information to the Rebels, mainly that the rumors that abound are that Spartacus and the Rebels are finished and all but slaughtered. He informs Spartacus that three of the rebels will be executed in the arena and that one of them is Crixus.

Регион вещания
Россия, СНГ, Европа
Язык вещания
Время вещания

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